Putting on the hat of a general contractor and learning along the way.
The I-Beams are Installed!
Now that the foundation has been poured, it was time to get the posts and I-Beams in place. Thankfully Joe had some beams already, so he was able to use them. The great folks at L&M Welding helped us again to get them perfect, and to get them installed. And we can’t forget to thank Joe’s brother, Larry for helping get them installed as well! With all of these beams, I think the house will withstand any earthquake or tornado.
Larry & Manny securing a post
Larry holding up the post
Peek-a-Boo with Manny
Securing another post
A post for the back windows
Using the Bobcat to place the overhead garage beam
The beam is in place!
Larry connecting the beam to the post
Larry hard at work.
Larry, Don’t Fall!!
Manny’s hard at work… while Larry tries to hide behind the post.